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Dan Hoke

Bushy Park Paddle 3 53

Dan Hoke

The dreaded Slice 1 81

Dan Hoke

Saturday's Russellville Paddle 1 65

Dan Hoke

Next 2 weekends 3 55

Dan Hoke

Afterwork paddle series 2 57

Donald Dibble

Back River Paddle 1 70

Leslie Maple

Santee river paddle July 30th 3 93

R. Michael Condon

Paradise Landing to Cat Island Weather Forecast, Schedule & Possible Reschedule 1 74

R. Michael Condon

May 15, 22 Paddle from Paradise Landing to Remleys Point Landing is cancelled 1 86

R. Michael Condon

Paradise Landing to Remley Point Landing paddle May 15,22 is cancelled. No registration as of May 14,22,9pm 1 134

Dan Hoke

Crab Bank is alive and closed. 2 108

Dan Hoke

Wambaw Creek paddle Saturday 1 87

Michelle Lichtsinn

ACA Due Increase Update 1 162

Robert Trenholm

Club Logo Tee Shirts 1 211

Robert Trenholm

Club shirts with silkscreen logo 11 421

Dan Hoke

Santee River Landing Cleanup Hwy 52 Bridge 1 306